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Perfect Cleanse Review

Rated: 9.16 out of 10

Core Cleanse: best colon cleanse solution Perfect Cleanse, developed by Garden of Life, is a three-part colon cleanse system designed to purify the liver, capture toxins in the colon, and help the body remove these harmful elements in order to achieve optimal internal health. Each Perfect Cleanse kit includes a 10-day supply that is to be used each evening. The makers claim this approach enables users to avoid the daytime interruptions associated with some other colon cleanse products.

Perfect Cleanse Ingredients

Perfect Cleanse is divided into three components, each with its own unique ingredients.

Perfect Cleanse Purify

  • Milk Thistle Extract
  • Cilantro
  • Yarrow Flower Extract
  • Poten-Zyme
  • Selenium
  • Cracked-Wall Chlorella
  • Aged Garlic Extract
  • Dandelion Root Extract
  • Broccoli Extract

Perfect Cleanse Capture

  • Flax Seed
  • Pea Hull Fiber
  • Alfalfa Whole Leaf
  • Barley Whole Leaf
  • Chia Seed

Perfect Cleanse Remove

  • Natural Epsom Salts
  • Fenugreek Seed Extract
  • Bishops Weed
  • Peppermint Leaf
  • Aloe Vera Whole Leaf
  • Ginger Root
  • Fennel Seed

Does Perfect Cleanse Work?Perfect Cleanse

Based on its ingredients, Perfect Cleanse appears to be an effective colon cleanse. The fiber and other herbal ingredients seem to be a big plus. However, based on customer feedback, Perfect Cleanse may need to make a few adjustments. Some users have reported being disappointed upon seeing no results with this product. Other consumers claim to have experienced terrible back pains and increased constipation while using Perfect Cleanse.

Buy Perfect Cleanse

You can buy Perfect Cleanse on many websites, including But because of unfavorable reviews, we recommend you first check out the top rated product.

Perfect Cleanse: Our Evaluation

Overall, Perfect Cleanse seems a bit promising because of the blend of ingredients it uses in each stage of the system. However, the evening regimen may cause some users to awake in the middle of the night for unwanted trips to the bathroom, disrupting recuperative sleep. Plus, the potential for increased constipation and back pains leads us to steer clear of Perfect Cleanse, especially since more effective colon cleanse products are available.

Perfect Cleanse Consumer Reviews

"Perfect Cleanse is far from perfect! I had high hopes for this product because it contains fiber and was advertised as a highly effective colon cleanser. The problem is, Perfect Cleanse did nothing to resolve my issues with bloating and constipation. I lost a lot of time using this system when I could have been seeing real results with another brand of colon cleanser."

--V.P., Salt Lake City, UT

"Avoid Perfect Cleanse at all costs! I became extremely ill while using this product. Instead of gently cleansing my colon and improving my intestinal health, Perfect Cleanse gave me the worst diarrhea that I've ever experienced. I was absolutely miserable and in so much pain. I'll never use this product again."

--Y.W., San Francisco, CA

"My experience with the Perfect Cleanse system was not a positive one. I used the product for a while, hoping that my bowel movements would begin to regulate, but eventually realized that Perfect Cleanse just doesn't work the way that the website claims. I know that colon cleansers are popular now, but I would warn people who want to try one that Perfect Cleanse is not worth the cost. The customer service is poor as well."

--O.L., Falls Church, VA

"I wish that I had better results to report after trying Perfect Cleanse, but honestly, this product made my back hurt so much that I had to stop using it after only a week. The intense cramping in my back was not worth the effort of completing the entire cleansing process."

--T.F., Oklahoma City, OK

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