Better Health, For a Better You

2025 Editor's Choice

The most important step to:

  • Lose weight
  • Boost energy
  • Unclog colon
  • Reduce bloating
  • Eliminate toxins
  • Flush impacted fecal matter
  • Cleanse lymphatic system
  • Improve colon health
  • Detoxify!
  • Revitalize!
click here to find out more

About Us

Who we are is maintained by a group of individuals with ties to the nutrition industry, complimentary medicine, alternative medicine, herbalism and traditional healing. Our sole purpose is to provide information to consumers on the pros and cons of colon cleansing and all the different techniques associated with modern colon cleansing.

Please note that some members of our editorial staff have employers who produce colon cleansing supplements and provide cleansing services (irrigation and hydrotherapy, for example). We strive to keep this website informative and non-judgmental. However, potential conflicts of interest do exist and we think it's fair to inform you of this.

What we do

Our editorial staff perform the following tasks to make certain we provide you with accurate information on your colon cleansing options:

Analyze industry news and trade publications – Because some members of the board are employed by industry-related firms, we have access to publications rarely seen by the consumer. Industry news tends to be about trends and developments. Trade publications focus more on marketing and mainstream acceptance of colon cleansing products.

Research trends in the industry – Manufacturers of colon cleansing products share some information. By analyzing and researching industry trends, our staff can provide you with the inside scoop on the latest developments in new ingredients and improved technology.

Attend industry events – At industry events, there is much open discussion of new formulations and new discoveries. A lot of information is shared. By participating in trade shows and other industry events, our staff gain access to little-known facts and studies not frequently shared.

Online research – We scour the internet on a daily basis to learn more about what consumers are interested in. We review forum posts, product reviews, testimonials, manufacturer websites and medical publications to insure we stay up-to-date on consumer trends.

Questions? Let us know!

If you have any questions about this website or the information we provide, contact us. We'll read your email and do our best to get back to you.

About this website

We, the editorial board of, strive to provide you with accurate, factual and useful information. To that end we make all our content free to you, the user.

Our goal: Our goal is first and foremost to provide you with useful, helpful information you can use to improve your life. That's the whole point of a website like this. We think the time and effort associated with creating a website like this is only worth it if it helps people. If you agree, let us know – we love to hear from our readers.

How we make money: This website serves advertising. When you click on an advertisement, makes a small sum of money. We collect this revenue to pay the cost of server registration, bandwidth and miscellaneous charges associated with hosting a website.

About our articles: We do our very best to provide you with unbiased, factual information. That's hard for us because we have strong feelings about what's right and wrong, about what is best for most people and what is a waste of time. To that end we make you this promise: We'll do our best to give you useful, helpful information. You must do your best to make sure our information is helpful for you.

“Sponsored Ads”: When you see “Sponsored Ads,” or “Ads by ___”, this means that the associated content is not provided by staff. If you click on a sponsored link, you will leave our site and visit websites we have no control over.

If you have any questions about this website, our sponsorships or the information we provide, contact us. We'll do our best to help.

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